What can we do?

Be the change you want to see in the world" (Ghandi)

There are several things we can do to reduce global warming! But first of all it needs a big ‘change in mentality’ to help the planet!

Who is mainly responsible? A recent study indicated that the exhaust of greenhouse gasses comes mainly from following sectors:

  • Industry: 31%

  • Homes and tertiary sector (heating in buildings): 22%

  • Generation of electricity: 18%

  • Transport: 18%

It needs thus a mentality change and not only in the industrial sector! Moreover, EDUCATION is the key factor in this 'change'!

In following points, we listed several things that we can do and pass on to our children and grandchildren!

  1. Drive less! Less driving means less emission!
  2. If we do drive, we should make sure that the car is driving efficiently! e.g. keep our tires properly inflated to reduce gasoline use, etc.
  3. Recycle!! We should recycle cans, bottles, plastic bags, paper, glass, etc. to reduce waste belts
  4. Buy recyclable products! We should look for the recycle mark (three arrows that make a circle) on the package. It usually takes less energy to make recycled products than to make new ones.
  5. Use less water! We won't leave the water running while brushing our teeth or cooking and don’t wash the car every day. We will help to conserve a vital resource!
  6. Use less hot water! The heating of water requires a lot of energy!
  7. Save electricity! Turn off lights when we leave the room, turn of the computer and television when we don’t use them! Also e.g. electronic devices that are stand-by keep using electricity even when we don’t use them!
  8. Plant and care for a tree! Trees and plants absorb CO2 and give off oxygen but there are too few of them to counter the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere!
  9. Use less heat and air conditioning! We should turn down our heat or air conditioning when sleeping or when we are at work. This way we will not only help the environment but also reduce our energy bill!
  10. Use energy saving lamps! They use up to 75% less energy and last 8x longer!

And off course, encourage others to do the same!!

If we all do our part, we can change the situation of our planet!

